Tuesday, January 23, 2018

I can be an alienating force

Some transphobic bio-essentialist TERF piece of trash came up on Twitter today and was spewing off ignorant ideas that reduced women to biological functions and anatomy which is problematic on a whole host of levels. Some examples of those problems include:

  • It erases folks with chromosomal variations.
  • It erases folks who do not have uteruses (either born without or those who had them surgically removed).
  • It links womanhood with fertility- thus erasing any woman who cannot have children and shaming any woman who chooses not to have children. 
  • It conflates biological sex and the social constructs of gender (have you ever thought about where you learned to be a man or where you learned to be a woman)?
  • It erases women who have non-standard menstrual experiences
  • It clings to the binary of male/female= XX/XY, which any biologist will tell you is not exclusive- it is common but variations outside of this are not as uncommon or unusual as we have been previously told.
  • It requires that so-called"tradition" which is informed by practices of "domination" be viewed as the "norm" therefore placing all others as not normal. "Not normal" usually precedes not being deserving of dignity or respect and therefore are more vulnerable, more vulnerable means subject to more exploitation and violence. 
....the list goes on

However, because it is Twitter I can't provide even a mini lecture on the variety of biology and explain how the binary of even XX/XY is a misnomer I simply posed the question: 

"What about intersex people?"

To which this hateful person responded (and I quote):
"U mean the 150, 000 hermaphrodites out of 300 million. Unusual. Same as transgender. No need to change our norms."

I went straight for the jugular and simply responded with, "Wow. Is that how you respond when meeting new people? You must be into ethnic cleansing too."

Let me be clear- linking any human biological function or anatomy to an imperative and then directly correlating that imperative to the "worth" and "validity" of a human being is a form of ableism.
Fuck abelism.
And if that's what you think then fuck you.

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